
Friday, 4 January 2013

Third Person Shooter update 04/01/2013

No Video update this time but I do have some pictures to show!

Firstly I've been working on more vfx. There's effects such as the explosion and if you notice the slight red tint, that's a 2D filter which increases the screens red value as the player takes damage. There's also a screen shake when you're actually hit.

The Character now holds unused weapons on their back, there is now a 3 weapon limit because of this though, having any more than that would look silly.

Grenades are all working again, you could chuck around duds for a while, but they actually explode now.

I've recently created a twitter account, it should provide a more real-time update on how the game's progressing, so follow there if you're interested in that sort of thing!

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